Model No: TRFT690
Model No: SR560M
Model No: PR598-M
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Model No: TRFT690
Model No: SR560M
Model No: PR598-M
Educational Consultant
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Over the course of many years, we have used Arklow Computer Solutions for our ICT needs. This has encompassed upgrading internal communication systems, internet and Wi-Fi improvements across three buildings, and co-ordination and setup of numerous printing facilities.
Neil and his staff have unfailingly provided us with excellent guidance, speedy and unobtrusive service, and great value for money which prompted our continued working relationship with the company.
Since 2018, we have tried to refurbish all our classrooms. Due to ICT grants and engagement with the Digital Learning Framework for Primary Schools, under the guidance of Arklow Computer Solutions, we now have interactive touch screens in all our classrooms and up-to-date laptops for all members of the teaching staff. Neil ensured each laptop was set up to the same specifications across the school. All required software and programmes were installed and printing setup without interruption to the teachers or children.
Neil even provided training for the new touchscreens at our staff meeting and for small groups of teachers also.
This personal service helped enormously to develop the teachers confidence in using the new technology to support our pupils learning and development.
As part of our Digital Framework planning, we consulted with a number of IT providers seeking costs, ideas and packages. However, it was Arklow Computer Solutions that provided the best tailored package and relevant feedback to our requests, with the best value for money that would also provide the greatest scope for providing digital access to all classrooms.
Neil provided valuable insight, taking cognisance of the school’s current hardware capabilities and platforms of choice to help us find the optimum fit for our setting. To that end, we planned a phased approach to our budget which enabled us to spend our amalgamated digital grants to the best value.
We installed a digital interactive screen in all of our classrooms at a very compelling price. Neil accommodated the school by working around opening hours, he arranged the screens to accommodate school furnishings, building and teacher preferences.
He personally consulted on the layout scheme for each individual screen to suit the class
level and the infrastructure within the various classrooms.
Arrangements were made over the span of a weekend/over the course of two days after school so as to cause no disruption to classrooms or teaching.
Overnight, teachers now had an interactive screen that was intuitive to use from the get go. There was an immediate awareness of how lessons could be delivered utilising these interactive screens that more than makes them worth monies invested.
Neil also provided input as to how to best develop children’s skills and highlighted their need to be able to functionally use ICT devices such as PCs/laptops and advised that we were best served to supplement our current provision of tablets by purchasing sets of laptops that could be used in groups/pods or individually given to each group in the class. By purchasing 5-6 laptops per classroom, we found we actually gave coverage and provision for all children to have an opportunity to use the platforms we use, such as SeeSaw and Kahoot, on a very practical and manageable level for teacher instruction and delivery of lesson content as it facilitated group teaching, stations, differentiation and team teaching, in addition, the laptops are light, compact and very usable with the necessary Microsoft
Office components to assist the children in developing real life digital skills.
After the installation, Neil has been on hand for any of the teething problems of initial first use as teachers embraced the new technologies. He has assured us that he is only a phone call away and is quick to respond to any need that may arise.